30 Day Challenge (JS)

1 day : Drums app

2 day : Clock app

3 day: Playing with css variables and js

4 day: Array Cardio Day 1

5 day: Flex Pannels Image Gallery

6 day: Ajax Type Ahead

7 day: Array Cardio Day 2

8 day: Fun With HTML5 Canvas

9 day: Console Tricks !

10 day: Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes

11 day: Custom HTML5 Video Player

12 day: Key Sequence Detection

13 day: Slide In on Scroll

14 day: JS Reference VS Copy

15 day: LocalStorage and Event Delegation

16 day: Text Shadow Mouse Effect

17 day: Sort Without Articles

18 day: Sumarizing Time!

19 day: Unreal Webcam Fun

20 day: Native Speech Recognition

21 day: X

22 day: Follow Along links

23 day: Speech-Synthesis

24 day: Sticky Nav

25 day: Understanding JavaScript's Capture

Stripe follow along dropdown

There will be project!

There will be project!

There will be project!

There will be project!

Main Idea Website: https://javascript30.com/